Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We all attempt to find some order to this chaos, a way to wrest control from the raging winds that toss us like rag dolls through this point of existence we call life, Some form of hope we can cling to as we search and strive for whatever it is that individually and as a society drives us, Sometimes you dont even know what your really doing, and sometimes even when you do, you still ignore the why...

I guess what im getting at, is that I am here, as I am in every other part of my existence, to find out the "why", to examine the effect so I can locate the cause, and maybe, make a difference...

Or at least rant randomly about the things I do/dont understand till finally something makes sense...


(P.S.- If you read this, id like to know, if you dont mind, Why you are on this site...I'll leave the deeper questions for later,lol.)

1 comment:

SlowZen said...

Hi. interesting post. Oh, I am here because you left a nice comment on my blog!

Take care,